Woman writing with a coffee cup by her side.

Photo: Unseen studio – Pexels.com

Hire a top professional editor for your memoir

Memoir is a powerful retelling of a life-changing moment in your life. Or, it may be a full account of your life story, from birth until now.

Memoir dates back to Saint Augustine, who wrote Confessions in 300AD.

In the last ten years, memoir has become one of the hottest genres in book publishing. Humans have always sought out personal stories – it’s what connects us and makes us feel accepted. But the internet and social media has caused a seismic cultural shift in how comfortable we feel sharing our most intimate details with the world.

Just because memoir is ‘so hot right now’ doesn’t mean it’s easy. In fact, the flooded memoir market means you have to work extra hard to get your voice heard and your book sold.

When you hire me as a professional memoir editor, we’ll consider:

  • Narrative arc
  • Central themes
  • Characters
  • Scenes
  • Dialogue

Most importantly, we’ll consider how to deal with truth telling and how to stick to the facts without ruining the lives of everyone you love. As American journalists Tracey Kidder and Richard Todd wrote in Good Prose: The Art of Non-fiction: “The ultimate reward of memoir [is]…to produce a work in which the facts are preserved but the experience is transformed.”

Interested? I’ve written memoir and edited memoir for 20+ years. Contact me to learn more about how we can work together.